
Monday, September 17, 2012

Departure Dates!!!

It finally happened!! The day I’ve been waiting for is finally here!! I bought my one-way plane ticket to the Dominican Republic!!! :) From now on, when someone asks me when I am planning on leaving, I don’t have to say “I don’t know,” or “We’ll see,” or “My goal is…” I can simply look at them and say, “This November. November 10th.” 

I probably will not stop there, however.  I will go on to praise my awesome God for the way He has provided exceedingly and abundantly more than I could have ever asked for or imagined!  I just began raising support a few short months ago in June…as many of you know, it can often take years to raise full-time support. Apparently that was not the plan that God had for me, though!  Since I first felt God calling me to the Dominican Republic, I always had a feeling that I would go sometime this fall.  I didn’t know how God would do it, and honestly there were times that I doubted.  I often wonder why it is that as Christians we can trust God for so many things, but when it comes to our finances it can be so hard to fully trust Him.  We have a gracious God who is a patient teacher, however, and He has astounded me in the way that He has provided for me in such a short span of time.  It is clear that His hand is in all of this, and it gives me such a peace to see Him confirming so clearly the call that He placed on my heart.

I am currently at 92% of my monthly support goal, and I have also received many generous one-time donations to help with start-up costs!!  It has been incredible to look back and see how God orchestrated every bit of it.  
He put amazing supportive people in my life who are almost as excited as I am about this opportunity for ministry.  He surprised me with substantial donations from people I have just met within the past year.  He gave me two incredible churches to support me: my church in Tennessee that I grew up in is sending me out, and my new church in Pennsylvania has also accepted my family with open arms, considering me as one of their own.  It wasn’t easy to pick up and move 10 hours away from the rest of our family, but I now see our move as a huge blessing in disguise.  When I think of how far the Lord has brought me, and all that He has been doing in my life, I am overwhelmed with joy!

Two months to go, and 8% to go…to put it in perspective, every $18/month is another percentage point. For me, it is a no-brainer that God will provide everything I need before I leave! Thank you so much to all of you who are supporting me…you have no idea how greatly God has used you as a blessing in my life and a testimony to His goodness.  Please continue to pray for me as I am kicking it into high gear with preparations for the move, as well as collecting medical supplies to use when I get there. May God be given all the glory for the great things He has done!