
Sunday, June 10, 2012

How I Got Here...The Full Story

If you asked me a year ago what I was going to do with my life, I would probably have told you that I was planning to one day work as a Nurse Practitioner with Spanish-speaking people in the States. Little did I know that God had different plans in store that were greater than I could have ever imagined! I have always had a love for foreign missions that I could never seem to get out of my system, so I decided to go on one last trip the summer before my final year of college.  I was planning on studying in Spain at the beginning of the summer, so I thought it would be great if I could do a mission trip while I was over there.  Every avenue that I pursued, however, seemed to be another dead end.  I began to ask God, “What is your will for me?? I don’t understand why this isn’t working out…it seems like something you would want for me to do!”  I soon discovered that sometimes we think we know what is right for us, but God has plans for us that far exceed what we could ever ask for or imagine for ourselves.

Just when I was about to give up on my dream of one last missions endeavor, I went to an ice cream social during the annual mission conference at Cedarville University, just to say hello to Gary and Alli Hale. Alli was my 5th grade Spanish teacher and I always tried to see her when she came in town. This time, however, they asked me if I would like to come down for a summer internship with Daystar in the Dominican Republic. I honestly didn’t even know then that the Dominican is a Spanish-speaking country! After talking it over with them, I decided to pray about it. The dates worked out perfectly, and God gave me such a peace about it that I applied within two days, and from that moment my life was set on a totally different trajectory!

During my six-week internship with Daystar, I was blessed with the opportunity to see what the daily life of a missionary is like, as opposed to the “group trips” I had been on in the past.  As I got to know Daystar’s ministry, I fell in love with the way they do missions. They work as a team, partnering with the Dominicans and equipping them to reach their own country for Christ. They are multi-faceted, expanding their church plant through ministries that meet the needs of the area, such as a bilingual school, a baseball ministry, and a safe house for women who have been forced into prostitution.  Their focus is not on how many “conversions” they can get, but rather on making true disciples that can in turn go out and disciple others.  It is a thriving and visionary ministry, and I came away with a desire to be a part of a similar ministry in the future.  It was during this internship that God confirmed my call to full-time foreign missions in a Spanish-speaking country.

Although I loved Daystar’s ministry, God’s leading in my life to join their team in the Dominican was not a sprint, but rather a slow and steady walk.  I learned over this past year that if I get back to the basics and just trust God, daily committing each day to being obedient to Him and striving to know Him more that day, He will lead me to where I need to go, step by little step.  He brought people and experiences into my life that continued to guide me, and blessed me with difficult circumstances in which I had to rely on Him, using the difficult times to grow my faith. It is a beautiful thing to look back and see how far God has brought me because my focus was on Him, and not on trying to figure out what “His will” was. God has given me such a peace and confidence in my calling, and He has continued to confirm it.  Daystar’s ministry and specifically the Dominican people were on my heart and in my prayers constantly, and I felt that it was where God was slowly but surely leading me. After talking with my parents about it over Christmas break, I began to pray and ask God that if He wanted me to go to the Dominican with Daystar, that He would give me a need to meet.  Daystar does not have a medical ministry, and I did not want to go somewhere that I would not be useful as a nurse.

My prayers were answered two weeks later when Doug Hodges and Dominican pastor Miguel Mercedes came to Cedarville for the annual mission conference. They told me that they had been praying about starting a medical branch to the ministry in the future, and that there is an immediate need for a nurse to work in both the school and baseball ministries.  They had seen a need, but were waiting for God to call someone with a medical background to join the team. It was a direct answer to prayer for me, and for them as well.

Another confirmation of God's leading came by events that were totally unrelated to Daystar’s DR ministry and totally unexpected by me! Early on, during the fall semester, I had been accepted to go on a medical missions trip with Cedarville University in the Dominican. I had applied for the trip just because I knew that I loved the DR and I wanted to use nursing on the mission field. I had no idea that the location we would be working in was only 15 minutes away from where I interned in the summer!!  God was sovereign in orchestrating this as well, because while I was on my mission trip in the spring, I was able to meet with the Daystar team and talk about the possibility of joining the team!

The medical mission trip to the Dominican in the spring was an amazing experience. I was given my own station because I speak Spanish fluently and had experience working in the hospital. It was intimidating because I diagnosed and prescribed medications, but it was a great experience and I learned a lot from the doctors on the trip.  Most importantly, there were so many opportunities to share the gospel! The majority of the people there are so open to talk about spiritual things, and I found that meeting spiritual needs goes hand in hand with meeting physical needs. Medicine opens up so many doors on the mission field, and I saw what a great tool it can be to not only evangelize, but to raise awareness about the local church as well.

God was not done there, however. He continued to provide ways to prepare me for my future ministry. As I got to know two of my professors in Public Health Nursing, they saw my passion for missions and using nursing as a ministry, and one of them recommended me for an internship with the Esperanza Medical Center in Philadelphia. I was accepted into the program, not even realizing that it was only about one hour away from where my family was to be moving! During this 3-week internship I will be living in a poor Hispanic community in inner-city Philadelphia, serving in a local church and using community health nursing and door-to-door health screenings to tie in the gospel and expand the local church. I am really excited about this internship because I believe it will be a great blueprint for me to implement a similar program in the Dominican Republic.

These two professors have become mentors to me, and have been providing resources for me to use in the Dominican.  They have even offered to continue to be “on-call” for me in my future ministry. One of these professors also approached me with a request to partner with Cedarville in sending nursing mission teams.  She said that the Nursing program had been interested in developing new contacts in Central or South America, and that she would love for me to be their main contact person when I got onto the field!! This was a huge confirmation for me that God was at work.  He was moving in other people’s hearts as well, and giving me all the resources that I needed to fulfill His vision for expanding the ministry.

If I stop and think about it, I honestly feel inadequate as a 22 year-old fresh graduate from college, to go straight into full-time missions in a third world country and start a whole new branch to a ministry, but God has been teaching me more and more that I am incapable of doing anything on my own.  He is at work in me, however, and He is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than I could ever ask or imagine! He has plans for the ministry in the DR, and He will accomplish His will no matter what. All I have to do is be obedient and let Him use me. It has been a crazy ride, but through it all I have seen God change me as well as those around me…and He has brought so much glory to His name through it all! That is what this life is all about!  When it comes down to it, I just want Him to receive all the glory for what He has been doing. God continues to amaze me, day after day, by His work in my life and His sovereignty.  I don’t want anyone to ever say of my life, “Look at what Diana Patrick is doing, look how well-equipped she is and what she can accomplish!”  I want to live a life in which people look at it and say, “Wow, look what God can do!! Look at how He can use even someone like Diana and how He has been so faithful in providing in her weakness! That means He can do incredible things through me, too!”


  1. I loved reading this! By your description, I also love the way Daystar does missions. The goal should definately be about discipling and equipping the locals to minister and disciple the people in their own culture. There are quite a few organizations out there that get this wrong and only care about how many converts are won.

    I also like the reminder you give about focusing on God, rather than "His will" specifically. It's easy to get caught up in trying to decipher God's will that we minimize God and lose perspective entirely. For me, I regain perspective when I simply step back and see the big picture--how great God is and how small I am. It reminds me that He is ultimately sovereign over all things and cannot be limited. I am only to be obedient and willing.

    So excited for you! The Lord is truly amazing. I can't wait to read/hear more about this as time passes.

    1. Amen! So many times we put the pressure on ourselves, but God has it all in His hands, and He promises to "work all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes for them." Our only responsibilities are to love Him and be sensitive to His calling... He will take care of working the rest of it out! Thanks for your encouragement, Tiffany!

  2. Thanks, Diana to getting us up to speed with your testimony and how your "call" came together from the LORD for the DR. I printed this so the whole family can catch up. God Bless and we will stay in touch. Much love from the Harrison Family.

  3. I am so excited for you! It is so crazy to see how far you have come and how many things have changed since Spain last year! I'll be praying for you and following you on your blog!!


  4. Just read this for the first time! It's cool to hear how God's hand ha been at work all along and to fill in the cracks of the stories you've told me. I love you and your heart for the Lord's work. You're a blessing!
